Function Functional Interface in Java 8 with Examples

In Java 8, the Function Functional Interface is used to represent a function that accepts one argument and produces a result.

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The Function interface is a part of the java.util.function package and is defined as follows:

@FunctionalInterface public interface Function<T, R> { R apply(T t); }

Here, T represents the type of the input argument and R represents the type of the result produced by the function. The apply() method takes an argument of type T and returns a result of type R.

The Function interface can be used in many different scenarios where a function needs to be passed as an argument to another method or where a lambda expression needs to be created that accepts an input and produces a result.

Function Functional Interface use cases

Here are some examples of how the Function interface can be used in Java 8:

1 . Mapping: You can use the Function interface to map the elements of a collection to a new set of values. For example, let's say you have a list of integers and you want to create a new list where each element is the square of the corresponding element in the original list. You can use the following code:

List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); Function<Integer, Integer> squareFunction = (n) -> n * n; List<Integer> squares =;

In this example, the map() method of the Stream class is used to apply the squareFunction to each element of the numbers list and produce a new list of squared values.

2. Composition: You can also compose multiple Functions to create more complex operations. For example, let's say you have a list of strings and you want to create a new list where each string is converted to uppercase and then reversed. You can use the following code:

List strings = Arrays.asList("apple", "banana", "cherry", "mango","pineapple", "berry"); Function<String, String> uppercaseFunction = String::toUpperCase; Function<String, String> reverseFunction = (s) -> new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString(); Function<String, String> composedFunction = uppercaseFunction.andThen(reverseFunction); List<String> result =;

In this example, we create two separate Functions for each operation and then compose them using the andThen() method of the Function interface. The resulting composed Function first applies the uppercaseFunction and then applies the reverseFunction to produce the final result.

3. Conversion: The Function interface can also be used for type conversion. For example, let's say you have a list of integers and you want to convert each integer to a string. You can use the following code:

List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(21, 42, 63, 84, 105, 126, 147, 168, 189, 210); Function<Integer, String> toStringFunction = Object::toString; List<String> strings =;

In this example, we create a Function that converts each integer to a string using the toString() method of the Object class. The map() method of the Stream class is then used to apply the toStringFunction to each element of the numbers list and produce a new list of string values.

Advantages to use Function Functional Interface in Java8

The Function Functional Interface in Java 8 offers several advantages:

  • Flexibility: The Function interface is very flexible and can be used to define functions that accept an argument of one type and return a result of another type. This makes it easy to write code that can be reused in multiple contexts.
  • Composability: The Function interface allows you to compose multiple functions together to create more complex operations. You can use the andThen() method to chain multiple functions together and create a pipeline of operations.
  • Readability: Using the Function interface can make your code more readable by making it clear what the function does and what its input and output types are. This can make it easier to understand and maintain your code.
  • Stream Processing: The Function interface is used extensively in stream processing in Java 8. It allows you to transform elements of a stream and produce a new stream of transformed elements. This makes it easy to process large amounts of data efficiently.
  • Type Safety: The Function interface provides type safety by ensuring that the input and output types of a function are defined and consistent. This reduces the risk of runtime errors caused by incorrect type conversions or type mismatches.

Overall, the Function interface is a powerful tool for defining and composing functions in Java 8. It offers many benefits, including flexibility, composability, readability, stream processing, and type safety. By using Functions, you can write cleaner, more maintainable code that is easier to understand and debug.


Overall, the Function Functional Interface in Java 8 provides a powerful and flexible way to define behavior as a parameter to methods, making Java code more modular, reusable, and performant.