Java 8 Predicate with Examples

In Java 8, a Predicate , is a functional interface that represents a function that takes in an argument and returns a boolean value. The Predicate interface contains a single abstract method called test() that accepts an argument of a specified type and returns a boolean value.

Here's an example of how you can use the Predicate interface in Java 8:

Table of Content :

  • Introduction
  • what is Predicate in Java 8
  • Predicate with filter()
  • Predicate with &&
  • Java 8 Predicate with or
  • Predicate to Check employee belongs to particular City
  • Summary
  • Predicate<Integergt isPositive = n -> n > 0; System.out.println(isPositive.test(5)); // prints true System.out.println(isPositive.test(-5)); // prints false

    In this example, we define a Predicate named isPositive that tests if an integer value is greater than 0. We then use the test() method to test if the values 5 and -5 are positive.

    The Predicate interface can be useful in a variety of scenarios, such as filtering data in collections, checking if an input is valid, and more. By providing a simple way to test whether a given condition is true or false, Predicates can simplify code and make it more expressive.

    1 . Predicate with filter():

    filter() accepts predicate as argument, and return the boolean result

    package com.javacodestuffs.core.java8.streams.predicate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; public class PredicateFilterExample { public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> names = new ArrayList<> (Arrays.asList("Bala", "John", "Sara", "Joseph", "Lara", "Pramod")); Predicate<String> startsWithJ = str -> str.startsWith("J"); List<String> filteredNames =; System.out.println(filteredNames); // prints [Joseph] } }


    [John, Joseph]

    package com.javacodestuffs.core.java8.streams.predicate; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; public class PredicateFilterIntegerExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Predicate<Integer> greaterThanNine = x -> x > 9; List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 23, 4, 2, 45, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); List<Integer> collect =; System.out.println(collect); } }


    [11, 12, 23, 45, 10]

    2. Predicate with &&

    package com.javacodestuffs.core.java8.streams.predicate; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; public class PredicateAndExample { public static void main(String[] args) { Predicate greaterThanNine = x -> x > 9 && x%2==0; List list = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 23, 4, 2, 45, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); List collect =; System.out.println(collect); } }


    [12, 10]

    import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; public class PredicateAndExample1 { public static void main(String[] args) { Predicate<Integer> greaterThanNine = x -> x > 9; Predicate<Integer> evenNumber = x -> x%2==0; List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(11, 12, 23, 4, 2, 45, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); List<Integer> collect =; System.out.println(collect); } }


    [12, 10]

    3. Java 8 Predicate with or

    1st Predicate evaluates whether number is even

    2nd Predicate evaluates whether that same number is multiple 5

    package com.javacodestuffs.core.java8.streams.predicate; import java.util.function.Predicate; public class PredicateWithOr { public static void main(String[] args) { Predicate<Integer> evenPredicate = i -> i % 2 == 0; Predicate<Integer> multileofFivePredicate = i -> i % 5 == 0; int numbers[] = { 15, 30, 25, 80, 65, 100, 101, 102 }; // check whether one of the predicates evaluates true for (int num : numbers) { if (evenPredicate.or(multileofFivePredicate).test(num)) { System.out.println(num + " is either even or multiple of 5"); } else { System.out.println(num + " is not even or multiple of 5 -------"); } } } }


    15 is either even or multiple of 5 30 is either even or multiple of 5 25 is either even or multiple of 5 80 is either even or multiple of 5 65 is either even or multiple of 5 100 is either even or multiple of 5 101 is not even or multiple of 5 ------- 102 is either even or multiple of 5

    4. Predicate to Check employee belongs to particular City

    package com.javacodestuffs.core.java8.streams.predicate; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; class Employee { String name; int salary; String email; String city; public Employee(String name, int salary, String email, String city) { super(); = name; this.salary = salary; = email; = city; } @Override public String toString() { return "Employee [name=" + name + ", salary=" + salary + ", email=" + email + ", city=" + city + "]"; } } public class EmployeeTest { public static void main(String[] args) { List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<>(); employees.add(new Employee("Bala", 16500, "", "Mumbai")); employees.add(new Employee("Sara", 5600, "", "Pune")); employees.add(new Employee("John", 90500, "", "Munich")); employees.add(new Employee("Anand", 9700, "", "London")); employees.add(new Employee("Saurabh", 10500, "", "Banglore")); employees.add(new Employee("George", 16500, "", "Mumbai")); System.out.println("------------ Initial Employee list --------------------------------"); employees.forEach(System.out::println); // lambda expression to check employee belongs to city Mumbai Predicate<Employee> p = emp ->"Mumbai"); -> p.test(emp)).collect(Collectors.toList()); List<Employee> filteredEmployees = -> p.test(emp)).collect(Collectors.toList()); System.out.println("------------ Employee list after applying Predicate ------------------"); filteredEmployees.forEach(System.out::println); System.out.println("----------Iterating Employee list Predicate with predicate -----------"); for (Employee employee : employees) { System.out.println("Whether '" + + "' leaves in city Mumbai: \t" + p.test(employee)); } } }


    ------------ Initial Employee list -------------------------------- Employee [name=Bala, salary=16500,, city=Mumbai] Employee [name=Sara, salary=5600,, city=Pune] Employee [name=John, salary=90500,, city=Munich] Employee [name=Anand, salary=9700,, city=London] Employee [name=Saurabh, salary=10500,, city=Banglore] Employee [name=George, salary=16500,, city=Mumbai] ------------ Employee list after applying Predicate ------------------ Employee [name=Bala, salary=16500,, city=Mumbai] Employee [name=George, salary=16500,, city=Mumbai] ----------Iterating Employee list Predicate with predicate ----------- Whether 'Bala' leaves in city Mumbai: true Whether 'Sara' leaves in city Mumbai: false Whether 'John' leaves in city Mumbai: false Whether 'Anand' leaves in city Mumbai: false Whether 'Saurabh' leaves in city Mumbai: false Whether 'George' leaves in city Mumbai: true

    Java 8 Predicate benefits

    The introduction of the Predicate interface in Java 8 brought several benefits to the Java language and its developers.

    • Code reuse and simplification: By defining a single method that accepts a parameter and returns a boolean value, the Predicate interface enables the creation of reusable code that can be used in a variety of scenarios.
    • Functional programming: The Predicate interface is one of several functional interfaces introduced in Java 8. Functional programming allows developers to write code in a more declarative style, making it easier to reason about and debug.
    • Stream API integration: The Stream API in Java 8 provides a powerful way to manipulate collections of data. By using Predicates with the filter() method, we can easily apply custom conditions to a collection and create a new collection that only includes elements that satisfy that condition.
    • Improved readability: The use of Predicates can make code more expressive and easier to read. By using descriptive names for Predicates, we can create self-documenting code that is easy to understand.
    • Overall, the introduction of the Predicate interface in Java 8 has made it easier for developers to write reusable, declarative, and readable code that integrates well with the Stream API.


    In this article we have seen What is a Predicate in java 8 with examples along with its benefits to Java language and its developers.